

Welcome to the modules page. Our modules are divided into categories. Click a category below to see more.

You can also find our modules categories directly from the menu.

Module 1. Personal Branding and Marketing

Module 2. Local Food, creating menus

Module 3. Sustainable gastronomy

Module 4. Plant based diet

Module 5: Traditional and Professional cooking skills

Here you can find a picture of the five new modules created during the CORE- Cooking for the future project.

How to Navigate Modules

The virtual 360 degree course modules are the key focus for your studies. It’s where you’ll find your module-specific materials, tutorial arrangements and assignments.

Each virtual 360 degree course module has its own set of learning/ teaching materials but the layout of the virtual 360 degree course module front page is built the same.

Please take a look at the study guide for this virtual 360 degree course module :


“ECVET allows learners to accumulate, transfer and use their learning in units as these units are achieved. This enables building a qualification at learners’ own pace from learning outcomes acquired in formal, non-formal and informal contexts, in their own country and abroad. The system is based on units of learning outcomes as part of qualifications that can be assessed and validated."(CEDEFOP 2020)