From Vamia to the world

Internationality in education
Each region and country has its own dishes, flavours and culinary heritage that merit exploration and appreciation. We can discover the delicious flavors of international cuisine thru international studies and practical training with our studies and learning at work periods abroad. The traditional, regional cuisine of a country can tell us a lot about their cultural heritage, the resources available to them, and who has influenced their culture.

Shabu Shabu hot-pot meal in Japan.


Learning at work environment in Japan.

The society and industry and commerce are getting more internationalized and they have an influence on the work, people’s daily life and culture. The purpose of international education is to secure students the kind of professional skills and facilities that they will manage in a multicultural environment and will be employed. International experiences improve language skills, flexibility, problem solving abilities and tolerance – all those qualities that are important in today’s employment market.

Vamia, in its many sectors, offers good possibilities for students’ international studies. With networking the institute has excellent international connections to working life and other institutes. We have several co-operative schools and places for practical training in England, Spain and Germany. We have partners also in Holland, France, Egypt, Greece and as far as in Japan.

We are constantly developing connections based on information technology to our foreign partners. For all who are interested in international studies we try to arrange a possibility to go abroad. The student is supported to independently arrange exchange possibilities or he/she can use the contacts the institute already has. International studies are usually about practical training or theoretical studies abroad.

Learning at work environment in Japan.

The foreign students visiting our Institute are placed in working life or they take some theoretical study courses. They will also attend actively in the lessons of different groups and bring information from their own country and culture. We also carry out international exchange for teachers. In 1993 we started Vocational Qualification in Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Services in English. Most of the students are foreigners. Also the students in immigrant preparatory training add internationality to our Institute and co-operation with these groups has been very popular.

Teachers at work. Chef Sami Syväoja in Ryuzu restaurant Japan with Chef Ryuta IIzaka and Staff.


Ryuzu restaurant 2011


Ryuzu restaurant 2011

Text & photos: Sami Syväoja / Vamia